Jazzed up pillsbury biscuit recipes
Jazzed up pillsbury biscuit recipes

jazzed up pillsbury biscuit recipes

Since 2009, I’ve made this recipe countless times. One, because it entertains me to do so, but primarily because this is a great recipe and negative comments such as these can lead people to think they shouldn’t try the recipe, that something is wrong with it. (Thank you, Marie.) It came at a good time when I was feeling, as I said, slightly irked, reminding me that the goodness of people always far outweighs the bad.Ī lot of times, I will completely ignore negative comments, but in this case I’m going to respond for two reasons. She included a check for $15 saying it was so good, she felt I had undercharged for the pints and wanted to pay more for them.

jazzed up pillsbury biscuit recipes

I checked my box and there was a sweet card from a reader who had bought three jars of my apple butter last fall. Yesterday, I was feeling slightly irked when I went to the post office. Sometimes I am flat bowled over by the kindness and generosity of you who read this site. Most of the comments I get here make my day, so that’s just the way life is, you take the bad along with the good, and this website has brought so much love into my life from readers that I can’t complain. I get comments that annoy me sometimes, but nothing annoys me more than being told what I can or can’t post. I don’t know their real names, but I’m not even using their usernames here (though you can find them by looking back at the original post here where you can see the comments as they were posted).

jazzed up pillsbury biscuit recipes

(Yes, people find my phone number.) The comments were left voluntarily and publicly on my very public website. At least one person is going to email me slapping my hand for “calling out” the commenters, and possibly at least one person is even going to call me to say the same thing. Your recipe needs tweaking especially since you are portraying yourself as some kind of a domestic goddess.įirst, at least one person is going to leave a comment on this post telling me I shouldn’t respond to negative comments.

#Jazzed up pillsbury biscuit recipes plus

I am not a beginning cook, I am a sixty plus granny who has been cooking since I was 12, I am considered a great cook. I used bisquck baking mix this time and added 1 more additional cup of mix until it resembled tradional dough. They have (again) turned out as a runny greasy batter, rather than a biscuit dough. This is the second time I have made these biscuits, following the recipe exactly. Yet even after experimenting on the 2nd and 3rd attempt where I tried using less milk, chilled the batter before baking it, etc etc. The flavor wasn’t disastrous, but the texture was just. And when it’s done baking, once I bite into it, the texture is horrible! Like an underdone spongy shortbread. It’s so bloody runny! It couldn’t hold its own when I scooped it onto the casserole dish. I have never, EVER, dealt with a recipe just to be made very disappointed for three times. I’m an experienced cook and baker, have been cooking and baking many years, won cooking competitions and all that jazz.

jazzed up pillsbury biscuit recipes

Hi, I just wanna say that I’ve tried making this recipe THREE times and I can wholeheartedly say that this is a terrible recipe. (Ongoing, despite the fact that this is one of my older recipes that’s been on my site since 2009.) But for some reason, this particular recipe has generated some of the most strident comments I’ve ever received on a recipe. I don’t stop people from posting negative comments on my recipes. Sometimes, I get negative comments, and that’s okay. I don’t share a recipe unless I really like it. There’s one of me and many thousands of you, so I wouldn’t expect every reader to love every recipe, but I’m certainly not out to get anyone. Sometimes I like to do recipe experiments, trying new things or old things or things I’ve never heard of before, but mostly, it’s just my family’s favorite recipes. Recipes I share on this here little ol’ blog thing are just that for the most part–my family’s favorite recipes. They’re already bursting with moist buttery, cheesy goodness. No added butter is needed, making it even easier to eat them up like candy. There is no other biscuit recipe I make that elicits that kind of biscuit response–unbridled attack on the pan. When I fix these biscuits, after I take them out of the oven and am getting the rest of dinner together, I will find my kids gathered around the pan of biscuits stuffing their faces. It became my kids’ favorite biscuit recipe, hands down. I came up with a delicious, flavorful drop biscuit that was everything I wanted it to be. I love those biscuits, but it’s extremely rare for me to go out to eat, much less to a Red Lobster. Nearly four years ago, I experimented with a recipe to reproduce the “Cheddar Bay” biscuits from Red Lobster.

Jazzed up pillsbury biscuit recipes